Tuesday, 29 January 2013


space is a good thing to give to people sometimes. when people need a break its pretty easy to tell so just hang out with other people until you think the other person or people has had enough time. This space is crucial. Its happening to me and my friends and I dont know what to do... She can be really fun and cool but I think i've had a little to much. If you have any ideas let me know

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Even if you don't support what your friends are doing you still have to support them. For example if your friends are trying to save a lake and you don't support saving the lake you should still support your friends. I wanted to do something and my friends didn't support me I was really dissapointed! So keep that in mind.     yours truly elias

Monday, 14 January 2013


I recently did a project on switzerland so if you have any questions ask me through a comment i'm always here to help!!!                                                                                                                               yours truly elias

shark attack

My dad owns an environmental law firm! And he really cares about the environment. So on december 19 2012 he skated around nathan phillips square dressed as a shark. Lots of people were interested in signing a petition and learning about sharks. He was trying to ban shark finning and save the porbeagle shark! I helped him by skating and holding a sign. Even though we had some problems with ups it was a great success!!! I was so happy and so was my dad if you have questions or comments let me know in a comment ...                                                                                                 yours truly elias :)


Trust.How well do we know it?Is it knowing someones gonna catch you when you fall? Or is it being able to trust someone with all your secrets? Or is it trusting someone with your life? I don't know but i would like to know!Does anyone know? Trust i guess is a variation of things. If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know in a comment!                                                                                                yours truly elias